The Golden State Grant for SSI recipients, which was included in the state’s recent pandemic relief bill, is now going out. The Golden State Grant provides a one-time $600 state supplementary payment (SSP) grant to SSI seniors and people with disabilities. It also provides a one-time $600 grant for individuals who receive Cash Assistance Program for Immigrants (CAPI), a state-funded program for certain immigrants who are not eligible for SSI due to 1996 federal welfare legislation that restricted eligibility for non-citizens.

Paper checks are being mailed to SSI/SSP and CAPI recipients starting the week of May 24th, based on zip code. Learn more in this explainer from Californians for SSI.

The Golden State Grant is a vital pandemic response that provides direct aid to those most impacted by the pandemic. It will help over 1.1 million low-income seniors and people with disabilities who have struggled with significantly higher costs to meet basic needs during COVID, while trying to survive on a reduced SSI benefit due to recession-era cuts to the SSP. 

Make sure that SSI seniors and people with disabilities in your community know about the Golden State Grant.


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The Supplementary Security Income (SSI) Restoration Act of 2021.